The bathroom design are timeless often appeal to a larger number of eyes and tend to have a hint of elegance. The renovation or redesign of the bathroom starts with picturing the emotion you want it to deliver. This is where your imagination is free to come up with unique ideas that speak to you.
Building a bathroom that matches your individuality can now include the integration of the latest of what technology and design have to offer.
Think bold, Have fun // The process of designing should remain a pleasant one which is why it is important to not get too cautious and careful. Your bathroom shall only cater to your preferences and the things that bring you peace. Now is not the time to be conservative with your ideas for a bold look is what you seek. Kick things off with a list of all the materials, accessories and items you will definitely need to craft the bathroom you envision. A bathroom is more than one’s personal space, it can also serve as rejuvenating environment, adding peace and tranquility to the personal moments.
Prioritize // It is important to not lose sight of what matters the most to you. There might come a point there two of your ideas might challenge one another where one would have to be the priority ove the other. It is always a good idea to keep 10-15% of the total budget separate to deal with the unexpected expenditures or last minute changes.
Design for convenience of cleaning // Cleanliness is one of the most important aspects of any bathroom and the designs which are easy to clean would always look more pristine. Due to this, be sure to only design the builds which are easy to clean and would not become a hassle to maintain at a later stage. Self-cleaning toilets, materials finished in gloss, nonporous countertops and modular showerheads are some of the items that are easy to maintain and clean in their respective categories.
Plan for the times ahead // Future-proofing your bathroom can go a long way if you wish to keep up with the ever-changing trends, without having to do a major overhaul year after year. Ensure modularity in your designs that can be adapted in future as your needs change and evolve. Technology is being intertwined in bathroom solutions and accessories such as digitally controlled shower systems, voice-activated temperature settings, music setups are commonly forming the bathrooms of the modern. The modularity includes a provision of spare plumbing and electrical connections that can be fitted at a later stage or swapped out easily. For instance, a water outlet near the toilet can be used as the source of water for a bidet.
Accessible Design // Accessibility and functionality should never be compromised, even if the design and the form have to blend around it. An intuitive placement and usage trump all, which is why Kohler’s range of products are created and engineered to play well with the entire theme of the bathroom while still being the centerpiece without fail.
Know when to make the call // Making use of professional services should not be overlooked as it has the potential to help you take care of the intricate details and technical factors. A bathroom design has several interlinked parts which would need supervised installation. KOHLER Bathroom Design Services can get you in touch with our master architects who can bring convenience to the process, saving time and effort. The entire support can be online and would leave you with a photo-realistic render of a bathroom that suits your refined taste. In addition to this render, our team would also share samples of the materials and textures chosen that can aid you in the compilation of your shopping list. Furthermore, we can put you in contact with reputable contractors who can bring your ideas to life.
Above all, it’s your bathroom and what speaks to your heart is the only right answer.