When you think about renovating your bathroom, apart from the ceramic fittings, the mirror is essential to add to your bathroom. With the countless number of choices in the market, selecting the right mirror can prove challenging. There are several ways in which bathroom vanity mirrors differ from regular mirrors. The word vanity typically means having admiration or pride. A vanity mirror is a suitable tool to perform a skin routine or to apply makeup in your daily routine.
Vanity mirrors are the perfect way to decorate your bathroom, but there are better ideas than regular mirrors. They differ substantially from bathroom vanity mirrors.
Difference between Regular and Bathroom Vanity Mirrors: —
1. Size
Regular mirrors differ in size from bathroom mirrors and are made to match the bathroom sink vanity. Bathroom mirrors vary from traditional mirrors in size and shape. The mirrors are made to match the bathroom sink vanity. Sinks are usually rectangular or square; the mirrors are also the same proportion and shape to fit above the sink. Make sure to avoid a bigger size, as it makes the area look clunky and stuffed, whereas a more petite size makes you lean over the vanity to ponder your reflection.
2. Structure
Bathroom mirrors are available in three varieties: with or without a medicine cabinet and shelves. A vanity mirror with cabinets offers you to store items like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and contact lens solutions away from sight and aids in hygiene as well.
3. Material
Vanity mirrors made from tempered glass are safer than regular mirrors made of standard glass. The process of moulding happens in a temperature-controlled environment.
In addition, when a bathroom mirror faces extreme temperature changes or is struck by brute force, it doesn’t break into pointy shards. Kohler bathroom vanity is made with an advanced 8-layer process and carries an advanced 8-layer process for longevity and durability.
The following factors must be considered when selecting the right bathroom mirror: —
1. Moisture & Humidity
Your bathroom vanity mirror must withstand moisture and humidity. It gets complex, especially in winter, due to hot water usage making the mirror foggy. Kohler HD mirrors with inbuilt defogger technology ensure visibility and clear reflection even in high humidity.
2. Safety
Mirrors framed with wood or metal are prone to rust or warp. Similarly, the frameless mirror can break down eventually. The sharp edges of the broken glass are a safety hazard, whereas if tempered glass breaks, it won’t be a safety hazard as it breaks into round pieces that won’t pierce the skin. Hence. Kohler mirrors offer an elegant look with a beveled frame that combines style with functionality.
3. Shape
A convex mirror juts out, distorting and making your appearance smaller, whereas concave mirrors make it appear more significant as it curves like a spoon. What can use them for eyebrow plucking, shaving, or other tasks? Plain mirrors are the best option that delivers a more accurate reflection.
4. Form & Function
There are a lot of functions your mirror can bring to the table. It is essential to decide the functionalities your vanity mirror must possess. A mirrored medicine cabinet mirror is an excellent option to keep your necessities handy.
Kohler vanity mirrors with lights, also known as illuminated mirrors, offer task lighting to maximize your visibility in the grooming space, a digital clock to Organize routine efficiently with a time display, a proximity sensor to turn lights on and off from a distance, and Bluetooth speakers to make you dance on your favorite songs.
You can pick a mirror, make it the focal point of your bathroom, or create a style statement. Whether you want to go big or wild or opt for a stylish look, use Kohler bathroom vanity mirrors that create a stunning look and make you go wow each time you see them.